Mr. Teacher (or when the world seems too ironic)

- Time is out, you can leave!... Be... Could you stay one moment, please? There's something I want to comment with you.
[The class is empty... the rest of students are gone]
- I hope my audacity don't bother you, but... I seem have heard you saying you like independent films. Have you watched the latest Gondry movie?
- No, it hasn't been dubbed to Spanish yet.
- Here it's still on. I... I was wondering if you... would like to come with me.
- ... Yeah... it sounds great.
- What about tomorrow?

- Ok... We could meet each other after the classes... in the hall of the school?
- [Smiling]... I'll be there.
-See you.

[My eyes feel like fire]


RaCMaX ha dicho que…
Sure, It will be a great day!
dEsoRdeN ha dicho que…
I like your eyes (but not your teacher... grrrrrr!!!) ;)

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